What is MásMedio?
MásMedio is the entity formed by the Provincial Council of Cáceres and the municipalities of the adhered provinces. It came to be in 2019 with the aim of providing basic environmental services in the province, especially in those municipalities that required improvements in service provision because of their location, population, and resources — as well as improvements in their associated infrastructures.
Currently, MásMedio has become a leading body in the management of the entire water cycle and municipal solid waste, always from a public perspective, geared towards the satisfaction of all interest groups, contributing to the conservation of the environment and promoting environmental education and awareness in all the activities and services it provides.
The consortium provides municipal services related to the environment, both in urban and rural settings, with said services always being commissioned in a full session of the city council. It works on the ongoing search for methods to optimize the quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of the services that it provides using any tool to do so, such as the digitization of services, new technologies, research, innovation, and development, as well as access to financial aid and subsidies.
Solidarity among municipalities guarantees the provision of basic services throughout the entire province
The Consortium’s development and implementation in the province has exceeded all expectations. The great variety of municipalities managed –with populations of between 100 and 10,000 inhabitants and different needs– helps us to develop concrete solutions for each municipality or region, and it also allows us to achieve an economic balance based on the principle of solidarity among municipalities. In this way, the quality of the services provided is the same for a municipality of 100 inhabitants as it is for 10,000, favoring development and access to efficient service provision in all counties.
The MásMedio Consortium also provides advising services to the Consortium municipalities, whether or not it is managing that specific service. This gives municipalities an effective tool for handing off and managing files with other local administrative bodies involved in environmental services management.