What is PERTE (Strategic Proyects for Economic Recovery and Transformation) AquaCeres?

The AQUA-CERES project for the Digitalisation and Efficiency of the Integral Water Cycle of the Province of Cáceres presented by MásMedio, Consorcio Medioambiente y Aguas de la provincia de Cáceres and financed by PERTE, in the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, has the general objective of modernising the supply, sanitation and discharge processes and improving the efficiency of the water cycle in 29 municipalities in the province of Cáceres, has the general objective of modernising the supply, sanitation and discharge processes and improving the efficiency of the water cycle in 29 municipalities in the province of Cáceres, which it serves in the management of the Integrated Water Cycle, through the provision of services.

In which municipalities will it be implemented?

The PERTE of Water Digitalisation for the improvement of the Integral Water Cycle will be implemented in Abadía, Acebo, Alcántara, Aldeanueva del Camino, Baños de Montemayor, Caminomorisco, Carbajo, Carcaboso, Carrascalejo, Casas de Millán, Cedillo, Cilleros, Garvín, La Granja, Herrera de Alcántara, Herreruela, Holguera, Hoyos, Majadas, Malpartida de Plasencia, Membrío, Mirabel, Pedroso de Acim, Peraleda de San Román, Perales del Puerto, Salorino, Santiago de Alcántara, Villamiel and Villar del Pedroso.

What specific objectives will be implemented?

  • Objective.1. To modernise and digitalise the infrastructures of the integral water cycle.
  • Objective 2. To digitalise the processes of management and control of water resources.
  • Objective 3. To Improve the services provided by MásMedio.
  • Objective 4. To improve the public’s knowledge of the uses and state of water resources.
  • Objective 5. To improve institutional coordination and cooperation between entities with competences in water resources management.
  • Objective 6. To improve the management and governance of the DPH.
  • Objective 7. To reduce water losses.
  • Objective 8. To Improve adaptation to climate change and resilience of water resources.
  • Objetive 9. Dissemination and awareness days and training courses.

How long does the implementation of the project last?

MasMedio kicked off in January 2024, with completion scheduled for May 2026.

What is the investment?

The total foreseen cost of implementation is 8,148,644.26 € (excluding IVA).